Sharing and Creating Spanish-Language Resources Addressing LGBTQ Issues

Sharing and Creating Spanish-Language Resources Addressing LGBTQ Issues

Christian Hispanic/Latinx sisters and brother often must hide their sexual orientation or gender identity from their family, friends and religious community for fear of being rejected due to cultural, biblical and theological misconceptions. The Covenant Network is committed in 2017 to making many of its existing resources available in Spanish, and--where it will be helpful--to creating new ones.

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Marriage & Civil U..., Sexuality Brian Ellison Marriage & Civil U..., Sexuality Brian Ellison

Church, Politics, & Church Politics: The Future of LGBT Issues

Come to our Southwest Regional Conference at St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, CA, March 4-6, for an engaging and provocative weekend about LGBT issues in church and politics, and about our hope for the future. Rev. Dr. Mel White is the plenary speaker, and Covenant Network Co-Moderator Mary Lynn Tobin preaches at the opening worship.

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The Christian Case for Gay Marriage

Dr. David Myers, in his plenary address at the recent CovNet Conference, affirms that "family values, a priority on covenant relationships, a celebration of marriage, a high view of Scripture: all these can co-exist with full and equal participation of gay and lesbian people in the life and the culture in the church."The complete address can be read here, including slides from Dr. Myers' powerpoint presentation.

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Personal Testimony, Sexuality Brian Ellison Personal Testimony, Sexuality Brian Ellison

Interfaith Clergy Statement of Support for GLBT Teens

In the wake of a rash of suicides after anti-gay bullying and violent attacks on gay people in New York, top faith leaders signed a pledge β€œto be LGBT and straight people of faith standing together for the shared values of decency and civility, compassion and care in all interactions.” PC(USA) Moderator Cindy Bolbach and Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons were among the national leaders signing the statement.

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And Grace Will Lead Me Home: Inclusion and Evangelical Conscience

And Grace Will Lead Me Home: Inclusion and Evangelical Conscience

As presbyteries continue to vote on Amendment 10-A, which would allow for freedom of conscience in the interpretation of what Scripture teaches about same-gender relationships, Mark Achtemeier is among those have testified to a change of mind.

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