Past Events

Building a Real Welcome for All God’s People: LGBTQIA+ People and the Church
This event on Saturday, Saturday, March 1, at Chapel in the Pines in Chapel Hill, NC offered biblical and theological foundations, and practical help for anyone trying to improve their own and the church’s full embrace of LGBTQIA+ people.

Covenant Conversation: South Carolina
On Saturday, November 9, Presbyterians from across South Carolina gathered for a Covenant Conversation entitled “Making Space at the Table: Faithfully Responding to Gender and Sexuality.” This Covenant Conversation was designed to equip faith leaders and congregation members with resources for taking the next steps in navigating important conversations and creating more welcoming spaces for LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Webinar on Amendments 24A and 24C
More Light Presbyterians, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, and the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley invites folks to attend a free webinar addressing the polity amendments 24A and 24C approved by the 226th General Assembly.

Covenant Conversation: Twin Cities Area
On October 19, Presbyterians gathered at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, Minn. for “The Courage To Be Transformed,” a Covenant Conversation focused on personal and congregational transformation. This event, jointly co-sponsored by the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, was designed to explore what it means to belong to God, especially for LGBTQIA+ people in faith communities.

Building a Real Welcome for All God's People
This event on Saturday, August 24, at Carmichael Presbyterian Church in Carmichael, CA (CPC) will offer biblical and theological foundations and practical help for anyone trying to improve their own and the church’s full embrace of LGBTQIA+ people. We’ll consider how we as Presbyterians have historically thought about issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, and how we have changed and acted in recent years. We’ll dig into the Bible and theology, and see ways we may need to dig deeper in how we think and speak about diverse identities. And we’ll work together to identify particular acts of hospitality, creativity, and witness, where we can use words and deeds to strengthen our congregations and our common life for all people.

How Welcoming Are We? - Colesville
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has made huge strides, as a matter of policy and intention, in its efforts to include LGBTQIA+ people in its life and leadership. So how are we doing? How is it going in congregations large and small — including yours–in welcoming and affirming people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations? The Covenant Network of Presbyterians has been working for justice and inclusion in the church since 1997. Executive Director Brian Ellison will share reflections on the state of inclusion, considering scenarios and examples of where congregations are succeeding and struggling. He’ll answer questions, offer resources, and update the group on how CNP can support your congregation in this new day.

Covenant Conversation: East Iowa/Great Rivers
On April 27, Presbyterians gathered at First Presbyterian Church in Davenport, Iowa for “Expanding Our Welcome: Creating Safe and Inclusive Sacred Spaces Together.” This event, jointly co-sponsored by the Presbyteries of East Iowa and Great Rivers, was designed for leaders and members of every congregation to take the next steps in offering an authentic welcome to LGBTQIA+ people in ways that show God’s love and build up the church.

Building a Real Welcome - Grace Presbytery
Join Brian Ellison, executive director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, for a time of learning and discussing what it means to authentically and fully welcome all of God’s people. We’ll talk about the Presbyterian journey toward inclusion and acknowledge the considerable work left to do. We’ll offer practical steps for congregations and the presbytery to take so they can better embody and make known their welcome of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and dream together about ways to collaborate and offer mutual support in this work.

Covenant Conversation: New Castle Presbytery
On November 11, nearly a hundred Presbyterians from across New Castle Presbytery and the country gathered at The Presbyterian Church of Dover, Delaware, for Covenant Conversation: New Castle Presbytery, “Making Space for Curiosity, Authenticity, and Community.” Participants worshiped, shared stories, and sought to live into the promises of a more inclusive Church and world. As a Matthew 25 presbytery, New Castle Presbytery intentionally emphasized intersectionality and diversity to model Christ’s radical welcome of all people.

Covenant Conversation: Chicago
On Saturday, September 30, Fourth Presbyterian Church hosted Covenant Conversation: Chicago with the theme of Beyond Words: From Mere Welcome to True Belonging. This event was sponsored by the Presbytery of Chicago, Fourth Presbyterian Church, and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, with support from additional congregations in the presbytery. In planning for this Covenant Conversation, several questions arose, including: As Christians who believe that God’s love truly extends to all people, how can we show true hospitality to anyone who walks through our church doors, especially members of the LGBTQIA+ community? We’ve said we’re welcoming, but how can we show this welcome beyond the walls of our churches and offer God’s love to the broader community?

Covenant Conversation: Nebraska
As Christians who believe that God’s love truly extends to all people, how can we show true hospitality to anyone who walks through our church doors, especially members of the LGBTQIA+ community? We’ve said we’re welcoming, but how can we show this welcome beyond the walls of our churches and offer God’s love to the broader community? At Covenant Conversation: Nebraska, we’ll worship, learn, and converse together about how we can live into a “new day” in the church and renew our commitments to witnessing to God’s love for the whole world.

Building a Real Welcome - New Castle Presbytery
New Castle Presbytery’s Leadership Equipping Day on Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. will explore important topics for ministry in church congregations. This Zoom opportunity will include CNP Executive Director Brian Ellison’s workshop Building a Real Welcome for LGBTQIA+ People.

Covenant Conversation: Olympia Presbytery
What does it meant to be welcoming of LGBTQIA+ people in the church … and how welcoming are we? It has been a decade since the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved inclusive policies on ordination and marriage — but how can our presbytery and our congregations have better conversations and take meaningful action to put our commitments into action? What is the difference between “welcoming” queer folks and really “affirming” them? Wherever you and your church are on this journey of understanding and ministry, we hope you’ll join this opportunity to connect with others and take the next steps toward a church that experiences and shows forth God’s love for all!

Building a Real Welcome for All God's People
This event offers biblical and theological foundation and practical help in ensuring the church’s full embrace of LGBTQIA+ people. We’ll consider how we as Presbyterians have historically thought about issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, and how we have changed. And we’ll consider particular acts of hospitality we can take with our words and deeds to strengthen our congregations and our common life for all people.

Covenant Conversation: Oklahoma
We are living in complicated, challenging times … and that is especially true for people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations in the church. Even when we sense God’s call to reach out in compassion and work for equity and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people, it can still be difficult to understand, to find the right words, to know how best to proceed. This event is for everyone seeking to move forward in the journey toward being a truly welcoming church. In keynote presentations, in workshops focusing on particular topics and interests, and in conversations around lunch tables, we’ll start a conversation that can touch lives and transform the church!

How Welcoming Are We?
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has made huge strides, as a matter of policy and intention, in its efforts to include LGBTQIA+ people in its life and leadership. So how are we doing? How is it going in congregations large and small — including yours–in welcoming and affirming people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations?

Building a Real Welcome for All God's People
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and many of its congregations and councils – including the Presbytery of the Highlands of New Jersey–have embraced a focus on Matthew 25, the radical call of Jesus in Scripture to a life of loving all God‘s people, most especially those who have traditionally been excluded, passed by, or left out.

Covenant Conversation: North Central California
You are invited to gather with Covenant Network of Presbyterians, members of North Central California Presbytery and guests from across our region in prayerful reflection and thoughtful conversation about our calling to be a people of hospitality, radical love, inclusion and equity. How do we manifest that calling with LGBTQIA+ persons who have been historically marginalized and excluded?

Building a Real Welcome for All God's People
This event offers biblical and theological foundation and practical help in ensuring the church’s full embrace of LGBTQIA+ people. We’ll consider how we as Presbyterians have historically thought about issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, and how we have changed. And we’ll consider particular acts of hospitality we can take with our words and deeds to strengthen our congregations and our common life for all people.

Covenant Conversation: Charlotte
Join us for a time of learning, sharing, and discovering together what it means to be a church that truly welcomes all!

Covenant Conversation: Orange County
Join us for a Covenant Conversation, as we explore LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the church and our role in creating a church where all are truly welcome.