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Covenant Conversation: North Central California

  • Westminster Presbyterian Church 1300 N Street Sacramento, CA, 95814 United States (map)

You are invited to gather with Covenant Network of Presbyterians, members of North Central California Presbytery and guests from across our region in prayerful reflection and thoughtful conversation about our calling to be a people of hospitality, radical love, inclusion and equity.

How do we manifest that calling with LGBTQIA+ persons who have been historically marginalized and excluded?

Our time together in worship will lift up prayers, music and liturgy that is expansive in its language and hopeful in its message, as we claim our shared identity as the children of God.  Our plenary keynote session will speak of the work of building congregations communities where authentic welcome is truly transformative. And our workshops will include practical help for individuals trying to deepen their understanding around LGBTQIA+ issues, churches seeking to do outreach and youth ministry, and all who seek to support healing for those who have been wounded by the church in the past. This Covenant Conversation welcomes all and also includes lunch and time for conversation, as well as resources to take back to your church. We’ll gather in person (with attention to current public health conditions, including wearing of masks), but those who can only participate online will be able to view live-streams of the plenary sessions and worship services and join workshops on Zoom.

In Person Workshops
Workshop Session #1: 11am-12pm

**A Biblical, Theological, and Relational Journey into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion     Patio Room
The Rev. Dr. Chris Erdman, pastor, Davis Community Church
In this workshop, Pastor Chris Erdman sketches the contours of a way Christians can travel the challenging road toward full LGBTQIA+ inclusion. He’ll explore his own journey as well as the way he guided a PCUSA congregation toward change by engaging the Bible, history, mission, theology, and personal experience. Dr. Erdman is pastor of the Davis Community Church and author of “A Table for All: How I Came to Understand that the Gospel Means Full Inclusion of Gays and Lesbians” (2015). Copies of his book will be available.

**Deepening the Conversation Inside, Reaching the Community Outside                             Sanctuary
The Rev. Brian Ellison, Covenant Network of Presbyterians, and the Rev. Alex Vaiz, Houses of Peace NWC
 This workshop explores, in practical terms, how a congregation goes about discerning its readiness to declare itself to be authentically welcoming of LGBTQIA+ people, including navigating the difficult conversations along the way. Then, it offers help to churches in making their welcome known to all through words and acts of hospitality and visibility. How do we get clear about where we stand, and then put those good intentions into action? This workshop will give particular attention to recognizing the diversity of our congregations – and of the LGBTQIA+ people we seek to welcome.

Creating Welcome for Youth: Ensuring safe and inclusive spaces                                              Cameron Room
Lauren Jewett, director of spiritual engagement and campus minister, CA House
In this workshop we will spend some time reconnecting with our own adolescent and young adult selves, using our own experience to ground us and as a place to excavate our own existing wisdom of how to create welcoming and inclusive spaces. We will then move through some best practices and “things not to do,” providing concrete actions you and your congregation can take to make the space more welcoming and inclusive for youth, especially LGBTQIA+ youth.

LGBTQIA+ 101: An overview of sexual orientation and gender identity                                  Club Room
The Rev. Ashley Love and Ruling Elder Charlie Briggs, First Presbyterian Church, Stockton
Can you be trans and also heterosexual?  What does the “I” mean in LGBTQIA+?  What’s the difference between bisexual and nonbinary?  If you’ve ever wondered about the words we use for sexual orientation and gender identity, this workshop is for you!  Come get a basic introduction, and experience a safe space to ask questions and get answers.

In Person Workshops
Workshop Session #2: 1:30-2:30pm

**A Biblical, Theological, and Relational Journey into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion     Patio Room
The Rev. Dr. Chris Erdman, pastor, Davis Community Church
In this workshop, Pastor Chris Erdman sketches the contours of a way Christians can travel the challenging road toward full LGBTQIA+ inclusion. He’ll explore his own journey as well as the way he guided a PCUSA congregation toward change by engaging the Bible, history, mission, theology, and personal experience. Dr. Erdman is pastor of the Davis Community Church and author of “A Table for All: How I Came to Understand that the Gospel Means Full Inclusion of Gays and Lesbians” (2015). Copies of his book will be available.

**Deepening the Conversation Inside, Reaching the Community Outside                             Sanctuary
The Rev. Brian Ellison, Covenant Network of Presbyterians, and the Rev. Alex Vaiz, Houses of Peace NWC
This workshop explores, in practical terms, how a congregation goes about discerning its readiness to declare itself to be authentically welcoming of LGBTQIA+ people, including navigating the difficult conversations along the way. Then, it offers help to churches in making their welcome known to all through words and acts of hospitality and visibility. How do we get clear about where we stand, and then put those good intentions into action? This workshop will give particular attention to recognizing the diversity of our congregations – and of the LGBTQIA+ people we seek to welcome.

Inclusive and Affirming Parenting: Helping kids develop identity and acceptance              Cameron Room
The Rev. Joshua Trautmann, Geneva Presbyterian Church, Modesto, and Ruling Elder Shaelee Haines, Davis Community Church
As prospective laws across the country continue to threaten the freedoms of LGBTQIA+ individuals and schools become more physically and emotionally dangerous to LGBTQIA+ children, this workshop will help parents learn some of the most impactful things they can do to best support them. Though every child is different, there are a variety of ways to positively impact their everyday lives and provide safe spaces for them to thrive in. Come find out how!

Healing: Caring for those who have been hurt by the Church                                                      Club Room
The Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes, El Dorado County Federated Church, Placerville
What does it mean to create a healing space for our LGBTQIA+ community within our congregations and our wider communities? Why do we need to continue do this intentional work together?  This workshop explores the why and the how of how our spaces can help those who have been wounded find peace and new life in the community of faith in the spirit of Psalm 30:2: “LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.”

December 11

Building a Real Welcome for All God's People

June 11

Building a Real Welcome for All God's People