This event on Saturday, August 24, at Carmichael Presbyterian Church in Carmichael, CA (CPC) will offer biblical and theological foundations and practical help for anyone trying to improve their own and the church’s full embrace of LGBTQIA+ people. We’ll consider how we as Presbyterians have historically thought about issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, and how we have changed and acted in recent years. We’ll dig into the Bible and theology, and see ways we may need to dig deeper in how we think and speak about diverse identities. And we’ll work together to identify particular acts of hospitality, creativity, and witness, where we can use words and deeds to strengthen our congregations and our common life for all people.
The day’s event will be led led by CNP Executive Director Brian Ellison and Board Member Alex Vaiz. Registration ($10) includes continental breakfast and lunch. Here’s the day’s agenda:
8:30am Registration begins – Coffee and continental breakfast
9:00am Part 1: Foundations: Understanding LGBTQIA+ and the history of LGBTQIA+ and the Presbyterian Church
10:15am Part 2: Building the Structure: A theology of welcome in our scriptures and our faith
11:45am: Box Lunch provided by Jackson Catering
12:45pm Part 3: Opening the Doors: Practical actions for congregations to authentically welcome all. Questions and Conversation – Ends at 2:15pm
You’re invited! Registration is now open. The $10 registration fee will be waived for anyone who can’t afford it, and those who register to participate online will receive a link to view the event on YouTube. The CPC Inclusion Task Force is hosting this community event. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. You don’t have to be Presbyterian to attend!
In addition to presenting the Saturday workshop, Brian will be preaching at CPC on Sunday, August 25, at 10am and leading an adult education discussion following the service.
Alex Vaiz (he/him) is a third-generation pastor. He’s served in ministry for 33 years as a youth pastor, associate pastor, lead pastor, and church planter. He’s now serving as Assistant Minister at Sierra Vista Community Church in Sacramento, CA, and furthering his education at PSR (Pacific School of Religion) in Berkley, CA. His experience extends beyond ministry into community organizing and activism for racial justice, and he also serves on the Covenant Network of Presbyterians board.
Brian Ellison (he/him) has served as Executive Director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians since 2012, preaching, teaching and providing overall strategic leadership in implementing the organization’s mission. Brian is available for working with congregations, councils and groups of interested Presbyterians about inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people, fostering and navigating difficult conversations, organizing and advocating for transformation, and on the Covenant Network and its mission. Contact the office for more information. Brian also serves as Stated Clerk of the Synod of Mid-America.