Celebrate Bisexuality Day at CNP
“Honesty about being bisexual is one aspect of being fully faithful to my husband and also to God.” These words from the Rev. Dr. Janet Edwards, an ordained minister in the PC(USA) for over 35 years, emphasize the importance in creating a more welcoming church for bisexual people. By inviting people to exist as God created them, we allow honesty and faithfulness to thrive. During September 16-23, also known as Bisexual Awareness Week, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians especially highlights our bisexual siblings in Christ. The week culminates with Celebrate Bisexuality Day, also known as Bi Visibility Day, on September 23.During the National Conference of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians in 2015, the Rev. Layton Williams-Berkler offered a workshop called “Bisexuality Basics: Honoring the ‘Bi’ in Pres-Bi-Terian.” There, she addressed the painful reality known as “bi invisibility” or “bi erasure,” where people are often assumed to be gay or straight based on their partner’s gender. She also identified hostility from all sides, since heterosexual and gay people can both fall into myths or stereotypes about bisexual people.When Rev. Edwards published an article for the Huffington Post about her life as a bisexual minister, many of the article’s comments accused her of infidelity to her husband. These judgements and assumptions promote a common myth about bisexual people. “Bisexual people’s sexuality is often invisible in broader society as we are frequently assumed to be gay, lesbian, or heterosexual based on the gender of our partner,” said Faith Cheltenham, president of BiNet USA. “Yet when bisexual people are open about our sexuality, we face increased levels of violence from intimate partners; rejection by our communities, families, and peers; and skepticism from the people and organizations to whom we turn for help, resources, and services.”At the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, we hope to dismantle myths and stereotypes that harm bisexual people. We affirm and value the unique gifts that bisexual people offer the church and the world. For bisexual Christians, we offer the hope that you are not alone, and there are already other people just like you in your church, your community, and in ministry. Not only do bisexual Christians exist, but all are beloved by God, with gifts that enhance and empower the Church every day.