A traditional marriage liturgy
Marriage & Civil U... Brian Ellison Marriage & Civil U... Brian Ellison

A traditional marriage liturgy

As congregations continue to rejoice in the attainment of marriage equality in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), couples are working with pastors to craft meaningful worship services to celebrate their covenant commitment. Some are developing new forms, and others prefer a traditional liturgy.Bryant Hand and Chase Robinson chose the traditional route, and have graciously shared their order of worship.

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Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love

Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love

A book review by Tricia Dykers Koenig: "Regele explores multiple disciplines in his search for understanding – biology, psychology, sociology, and demographics, along with biblical study, theology, and church history – and reflects on these learnings in light of his personal story. He provides an accessible survey of the science pointing to the probability that sexual orientation is innate, resulting from a combination of genetic and prenatal hormonal influences. The ethical conclusion: it is inconsistent with loving one’s LGBTQ neighbors to blame and penalize them for a characteristic they did not choose and cannot change."

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A Wedding Hymn
Marriage & Civil U... Brian Ellison Marriage & Civil U... Brian Ellison

A Wedding Hymn

Hymn-writer Carolyn Winfrey Gillette is offering a wedding hymn -- using the tune of the Thanksgiving standard, "We Gather Together -- with permission for use by anyone who supports the work of the Covenant Network and the request that donations go to the Covenant Network. The hymn was commissioned for the wedding of Paul Tellstrom and Carl Whidden on September 7, 2014.

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Covenant Network Grateful for Supreme Court Decision

Covenant Network Grateful for Supreme Court Decision

The Covenant Network is profoundly grateful for the decision of the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, in which the Court proclaimed that states may not refuse to grant marriage licenses to couples of the same sex, and must recognize valid marriages contracted in other jurisdictions. The decision expands marriage equality nationwide and affirms the equal dignity of all persons, removing one form of legal discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

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Encouraging the Supreme Court

Encouraging the Supreme Court

As the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases that could bring nationwide marriage equality -- consolidated and known as Obergefell v. Hodges -- the Justices had access to numerous friend-of-the-court briefs encouraging a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs seeking the freedom to marry and the recognition of their marriages by all states. The Covenant Network was pleased to participate as an amicus curiae, joining a number of other faith-based groups

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Statement of the Covenant Network Board on the Approval of Amendment 14-F on Marriage

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is grateful that with today’s presbytery votes, a majority of the 171 presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (USA) have approved an amendment to the church’s Book of Order that describes marriage as “a unique relationship between two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”

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A Prayer for Courage

A Prayer for Courage

The Rev. Margaret LaMotte Torrence, Interim Pastor of Black Mountain (NC) Presbyterian Church, preached this sermon the day after the Presbytery of Western North Carolina affirmed Amendment 14-F. Her comments at the presbytery meeting are included: "I cannot imagine our marriage apart from the church. And how much harder it must be to nurture and sustain a relationship that runs against the grain of society’s norms. Yet we have told our gay brothers, our lesbian sisters—up until now—that their desire to live in covenant faithfulness has no place in the life of the Church. In so doing, it seems to me that we have robbed them of the companionship and the counsel of the Church, and we have robbed the Church of the full measure of their gifts—and their companionship—and their counsel. For anytime we are withholding part of who we are from our community, we are offering less than God would have us give. And anytime we have cut off part of the body, we are not fully the church."

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Nacoochee Witness

Nacoochee Witness

When the Presbytery of Northeast Georgia met to consider Amendment 14-F, both the Pastor of Nacoochee Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Robert W. Prim, and Ruling Elder Theodore Brothers shared their testimony.Bob: "The Bible does give a clear sense about God’s purposes for marriage — God has given us marriage so that human beings might grow in self-giving love. In this way marriage is a beautiful metaphor for God’s relationship with Israel and Jesus’ relationship with the Church."Ted: "Now, I know that many of you believe that I chose to be gay. You are wrong. Being gay is something God chose for me when I was born. Being gay is how I was created. For me, to deny being gay would be to deny God. I cannot do that. Nor can I deny the love that I have for my husband, Mike."

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Presbyterian parents on Amendment 14-F

Presbyterian parents on Amendment 14-F

Mike and Debbie Regele are among many evangelical Christians whose views on same-gender relationships have been challenged when one of their children came out to them as LGBT. Each of them prepared remarks for the meeting of the Presbytery of Los Ranchos considering the Marriage Amendment 14-F.Mike: "The question I want to address in a few brief comments is why I am on the affirming side."Debbie: "This is my story — but it is only one of many families’ in our presbytery who face this issue in a personal way. So I speak for them too — please prayerfully consider supporting this amendment."

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Anticipating the presbytery meeting

Anticipating the presbytery meeting

As the Presbytery of Santa Fe prepares to consider Amendment 14-F this weekend, Ken Cuthbertson reflects on the amendment, church history, theology, and relationships within the PCUSA: "I hope to speak to having been at GA and how deeply impressed I was/am at the care taken to move into a newly worded description of marriage while endeavoring to honor and hold space for those who differ. We are “one in the Spirit” and “one in the Lord.” What we need on Saturday is for our folks to show up, and - as needed and as moved - to speak our truth."

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Amendment 14-F: F is for February

Amendment 14-F: F is for February

By the end of the month of February, more than half the presbyteries will have voted on the amendment that seeks to extend the good gift of marriage to all. We've had a good start, but there is still much work to do. The Covenant Network is working tirelessly this month to organize, educate and advocate for a successful outcome -- approval by 86 or more presbyteries. Three donors have pledged to match, dollar for dollar, all contributions of $86 or more in the month of February (up to $1000 each). Please click here to donate.

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What's Next?

What's Next?

Ben Fitzgerald-Fye is Director of Mission Services for Goodwill Industries of North Central PA, Inc., and a Ruling Elder at the Presbyterian Church of Punxsutawney; his husband, Sean, is a Deacon. Ben shared this reflection after he and Sean attended the Regional Conference at the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill on Saturday, February 7: "As the right to marriage becomes a reality, we must also begin to address the responsibility of marriage."

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Dress You Up in My Love

Dress You Up in My Love

A Sermon on Colossians 3:12-17 by the Rev. Kenneth E. Kovacs, Ph.D., preached at the Covenant Network Regional Conference, University Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, LA, 24th January 2015: "The non-possessive delight in the particularity of the other. Love sees the other and does not confuse the other with oneself. Love allows the other to exist in freedom and creates a space for the other to be. Love creates a space to be—it always creates a space. Love does not possess the other, or control, define, delimit, or diminish the other. Love transforms the other from an it (an object to be controlled) into a Thou (a subject worthy of respect and honor). Love allows the other to be, to thrive, to grow, to exist apart from oneself, to have a life apart from oneself, and then takes immense delight and joy in the particularity, the uniqueness, the incomparability of the other. When we love this way the other comes into focus before our eyes and we are allowed to see, really see the other for whom s/he really is. The non-possessive delight in the particularity of the other."

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Same-Sex Marriage and the Bible: A video series featuring Mark Achtemeier

Same-Sex Marriage and the Bible: A video series featuring Mark Achtemeier

The Covenant Network is pleased to offer a four-part video series featuring the Rev. Dr. Mark Achtemeier, author of The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelical’s Change of Heart, discussing how his journey with the Scriptures led him away from his initial opposition to marriage for committed lesbian and gay couples, and toward wholehearted support for marriage equality.

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Risk and Reality

Risk and Reality

A Sermon on Matthew 25:14-30 by the Rev. Brian D. Ellison at the Covenant Network of Presbyterians Regional Conference, College Hill Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 15, 2014: "The reality is that we all have been entrusted with much. It is as if we have been given a talent, and knowing our master as we do, knowing the way the master reaps where he hasn’t sown, and harvests where he hasn’t scattered, having done so much already, we bury it. We cling to that hard-earned achievement, preserve that wealth of good will and justice abounding around us, ensure a comfortable if not extravagant future. Or we find a way of differentiation, of sheltering in place, of keeping the faith when surrounded by adversity through isolation and fear."

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