CovNet Grateful for End of "Ex-Gay" Ministry

A statement from the Co-Moderators of the Covenant Network of PresbyteriansThe Covenant Network of Presbyterians is grateful to the leadership of Exodus International this week for ending the organization's operations and apologizing for the hurt it has caused. We agree with Exodus president Alan Chambers that so-called "reparative therapy" has proven to be harmful and we lament the hurt that the efforts of Exodus and other "ex-gay" operations have inflicted over the years.We rejoice that across the theological spectrum, more and more voices are speaking out to promote the gracious welcome of all people and to fully include LGBTQ people in every aspect of life and leadership in our congregations and communities. We pray that these words from Exodus International will be joined by actions and that all Christians, churches, and organizations will foreswear any attempt to oppress, exclude, alter or demean their LGBTQ sisters and brothers. We call for an end to all efforts to "heal" anyone's sexual orientation, either within the Presbyterian Church (USA) or any other church, and we call upon all Christians to join us in seeking to make the whole Church of Jesus Christ as generous and just as God's grace.

The Rev. Mary Lynn Tobin & The Rev. David Van Dyke, Co-Moderators of the Board of Directors
Covenant Network of Presbyterians

Covenant Network Celebrates Supreme Court Decisions


2013 Covenant Conference - October 31-November 2