Sharing and Creating Spanish-Language Resources Addressing LGBTQ Issues
The mission of the Covenant Network is to help create a more just and generous church throughout all of its congregations and councils. When we are being honest with ourselves, we must recognize that much of that work for our 20 years of effort has focused on English-speaking congregations.The Covenant Network is committed in 2017 to making many of its existing resources available in Spanish. Where necessary and helpful, we are also exploring what new resources we may need to develop. This translation and creation process is just getting underway. If you have English/Spanish skills and interest in this area, please contact Executive Director Brian Ellison or Board of Directors member Tony Aja.In the meantime, we are also committed to sharing existing Spanish-language resources doing solid theological work on inclusion and justice. Tony Aja recommends a resource from the United Church of Christ. He writes:
Los latinos gay cristianos a menudo deben esconder su orientación sexual o identidad de género de sus familiares, amigos y comunidad religiosa por miedo al rechazo, la exclusión y la soledad. Estos recursos de la United Church of Christ pueden ayudar a congregaciones de habla hispana a conversar sobre este asunto de una manera que honre a Dios con el conocimiento que todos/as somos hijas e hijos de Dios.(Christian Hispanic/Latinx sisters and brothers usually must hide their sexual orientation or gender identity from their family, friends and religious community for fear of being rejected, mocked or even ostracized due to cultural, biblical and theological misconceptions. These resources from the United Church of Christ can help Spanish-speaking congregations deal with the subject in a God-honoring manner with the understanding that we are all children of God.)
You can find it here among others from our friends at the Institute for Welcoming Resources: