Sharing and Creating Spanish-Language Resources Addressing LGBTQ Issues

Sharing and Creating Spanish-Language Resources Addressing LGBTQ Issues

Christian Hispanic/Latinx sisters and brother often must hide their sexual orientation or gender identity from their family, friends and religious community for fear of being rejected due to cultural, biblical and theological misconceptions. The Covenant Network is committed in 2017 to making many of its existing resources available in Spanish, and--where it will be helpful--to creating new ones.

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Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba

Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba

Dr. Arlo Duba, Professor of Worship Emeritus, retired Dean of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and PC(USA) Minister of Word and Sacrament, was recently interviewed by More Light Presbyterian Outreach Director, Debra Peevey. Dr. Duba shares his journey, leading to a change of heart and mind regarding the ordination of LGBT persons.

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