It's Not About You. It Is About You
Ken Evers-Hood, pastor of Tualatin (OR) Presbyterian Church, gave this charge to David Norse at his ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament by the Presbytery of Philadelphia on January 5, 2014: "... This day. What we are doing here. It is about you…and it’s not. And you will spend the rest of your days Feeling wonderfully caught between The two, sometimes not knowing what to do But on your best days trusting that knowing that you don’t know Is the very best place to be To follow after where the one wild spirit is blowing in your ministry"

Bible, Gender, Sexuality
One of the resources suggested for further reading in the study of “Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)” prepared by the Office of Theology and Worship is a recent book by James V. Brownson, Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships, published by Eerdmans in 2013. Tricia Dykers Koenig reviews the content of Brownson's book and commends it as a valuable contribution to the church's ongoing conversation.

Celebrating the Ordination and Installation of Dan Vigilante
On the afternoon of Sunday, August 25, 2013, the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area ordained Daniel Vigilante as a Teaching Elder and installed him as Pastor of Grace-Trinity Community Church and Associate Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis. Dan is a member of the Board of Directors of the Covenant Network, and we rejoice with him as he has, at long last, reached this stage in his ministry. Read more...
October 2012 GAPJC Decisions
Three decisions by the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission address the controversial issues of marriage, the property trust clause, and ordination standards.

Two Ordinations: Reflections from Nancy Enderle
The Rev. Nancy Hutchison Enderle served the Covenant Network of Presbyterians as Interim Executive Director in 2011-12. As she prepared to conclude her service, Nancy shared her reflections at the Commissioners Convocation Dinner the night before the 220th General Assembly (2012) convened in Pittsburgh:I’d like to start these comments with the tale of two ordinations....
Covenant Network Goals for the 220th General Assembly
Remarks by National Organizer Tricia Dykers Koenig to the Covenant Network Luncheon, Monday, July 2, 2012: No turning back!
New Guidelines for Examination Published
As sessions and presbyteries begin to implement the revised Form of Government, including the substitution of G-2.0104b for the obsolete G-6.0106b, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians offers an updated edition of its resource Guidelines for Examination of Church Officers.
From the Covenant Network Board
The Board of Directors of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians has issued the following statement concerning its purpose and mission:
A Personal Perspective on Scott Anderson's Ordination
Much has been said and written about the ordination of Scott Anderson this past weekend at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Covenant Network's Interim Executive Director, Nancy Enderle, offers her reflections about this momentous event.

Rejoicing with Scott Anderson
Scott Anderson's Service of Ordination will take place on October 8th, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, in Madison, WI. Scott’s ordination as a teaching elder offers a sign of hope for the many people who have long worked for a more inclusive church policy toward the ordination of our gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered brothers and sisters.
'Fellowship' Within the Body of Christ
* A Word from our Co-Moderators *Several members of the Covenant Network Board and staff participated in the gathering in Minneapolis, August 25-26, of the Fellowship of Presbyterians.The tone established at the outset was one of warmth, kindness, and respect, and the articulated values included an appreciation for PC(USA) denominational staff, avoidance of stone-throwing, and a commitment not to speak or act out of anger.