From the Covenant Network Board

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians has had two primary goals since its founding in 1997:  to work for the removal of ordination barriers to the full participation of LGBT Presbyterians, and to support the mission and unity of the denomination.With the recent passage of Amendment 10-A, now G-2.0104b, our founding mission has been greatly advanced.  How the denomination lives into this new reality now demands a renewed commitment to advocate for those LGBT Presbyterians who seek ordination as ruling and teaching elders and deacons.Given that there are many in the PC(USA) who are troubled by the change in ordination standards, the Board of Directors lifts up this effort mindful of its commitment to tend to the unity of the denomination.  In that spirit, the Board has decided not to support or encourage overtures to the 2012 General Assembly to change the constitutional language regarding marriage.  The Covenant Network will, however, encourage overtures seeking Authoritative Interpretation to protect pastoral discretion to celebrate same-gender marriages where they are sanctioned by the civil authorities.In humble service to the One who we believe calls us toward a church as just and generous as God’s grace,The Covenant Network Board of Directors,David Van Dyke and Mary Lynn Tobin, Co- Moderators


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