Rejoicing with Scott Anderson
Amendment 10-A, Ordination Process Brian Ellison Amendment 10-A, Ordination Process Brian Ellison

Rejoicing with Scott Anderson

Scott Anderson's Service of Ordination will take place on October 8th, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, in Madison, WI. Scott’s ordination as a teaching elder offers a sign of hope for the many people who have long worked for a more inclusive church policy toward the ordination of our gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered brothers and sisters.

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PCUSA Leaders Address the Church on the Approval of Amendment 10-A

"It is Jesus Christ who calls individuals to ordained ministries, and all those who are called to ordained office continue to acknowledge Jesus as Lord of all and Head of the church. It is this same Jesus Christ who is the foundation of our faith and to whom we cling."

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Gratitude for the Passage of Amendment 10-A

As of May 10, 2011, the amendment to G-6.0106b proposed by the 219th General Assembly (2010) has received the affirmative votes of a majority of the presbyteries. The Covenant Network Board of Directors has issued a statement.

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Amendment 10-A Brian Ellison Amendment 10-A Brian Ellison

A Letter of Support for 10-A

Across the church people are working together to spread the word about the merits of Amendment 10-A. In Coastal Carolina Presbytery a letter in support of 10-A was drafted and sent out prior to the March 26th presbytery meeting. Thanks to all who signed the letter and who persevere in hope.

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Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba

Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba

Dr. Arlo Duba, Professor of Worship Emeritus, retired Dean of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and PC(USA) Minister of Word and Sacrament, was recently interviewed by More Light Presbyterian Outreach Director, Debra Peevey. Dr. Duba shares his journey, leading to a change of heart and mind regarding the ordination of LGBT persons.

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