Celebrating the General Conference of The United Methodist Church

Congratulations to The United Methodist Church on the historic votes taken at the recent General Conference to reverse the longstanding ban on LGBTQIA+ clergy. This legislative action, among others, represents significant movement toward a more open and inclusive church for LGBTQIA+ people.The adopted measures include the elimination of prohibitions on annual conferences and agencies supporting LGBTQIA+ advocacy groups, the removal of rules mandating church leaders to investigate and penalize gay clergy, the permission to appoint gay clergy across conference lines, and the implementation of a moratorium on judicial proceedings related to the UMC's restrictions on LGBTQIA+ clergy and same-sex weddings.Thanks be to God for the denomination's continued progress in fostering a church that fully welcomes LGBTQIA+ persons in every aspect of life and ministry. We pray that God grants wisdom and guidance to all people working toward a church that truly reflects the boundless nature of God's love.


Resources for Churches Celebrating Pride Month


New Resource for Churches Joining the Covenant Network of Presbyterians