New Resource for Churches Joining the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
If your church has joined the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, a new resource is available to help you share this news with your congregation and community. The "Becoming a Welcoming Church" resource page now includes a template and prayer designed for churches that have recently become part of our network.This webpage offers a variety of other resources for congregations, including tips for signaling safety to LGBTQIA+ individuals and families through language, imagery and more. Downloadable signage templates provide graphics and language for proclaiming your church's affirmation of all God's children. Step-by-step guides outline best practices for churches planning to attend community Pride events. Recordings and slides from previous Covenant Conversations present theology, case studies, and suggestions for churches. Regardless of whether your congregation is just starting its journey to become more intentionally inclusive or seeking to strengthen a longtime commitment, you'll find practical support for widening your church's welcome.If you have ideas for resources that our website doesn't offer at this time, please reach out to or We value the opportunity to learn more about specific resources that would help equip congregations to extend an authentic welcome to people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.