The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a national organization of nearly 400 congregations and thousands of Presbyterians. For 25 years, we are seeking to strengthen the church by educating, engaging and equipping it to be more welcoming and affirming of LGBTQIA+ people. Year round, work directly with individuals, congregations and councils across the church, and every two years, we advocate at the General Assembly for outcomes that are faithful and just.

To receive regular updates by email before and during the 225th General Assembly, or for questions about specific issues of items of business, email Executive Director Brian Ellison at You can also follow us on Twitter (@CovNetPres) for up to the minute information on issues before the Assembly.

To learn more about the Covenant Network of Presbyterians and its work helping the church live into its promises of equity and justice for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, visit, or follow us on Twitter (@CovNetPres) or Facebook.

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians draws commissioners’ attention to two items before this committee: 

RGJ-04: Advocating for the Rights of Trans Women of Color

This recommendation from the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns lifts up discrimination – and violence – against transgender women of color. It calls for various actions of advocacy, including naming the victims of murders recorded in the past two years. It also calls on the national agencies of the church to include gender identity in its cultural sensitivity training and employment non-discrimination practices, and to provide all-gender bathroom facilities in their offices. 

CNP supports the approval of this resolution. Trans women of color endure disproportionate amounts of mistreatment, and this rightly names this reality. Further, it urges concrete steps that would bring the agencies of the church into greater compliance with the Assembly’s 2018 call for all agencies of the church to promote equity for people of all gender identities. We commend the agencies who have already taken some of the requested actions, and encourage continued attention to this effort.

RGJ-013: Report of the Disparities Experienced by Black Women and Girls Task Force

The resolution makes numerous recommendations for advocacy, education, equity promotion efforts and ministry. Of particular interest to CNP is the recognition of the intersection of race, gender identity and sexual orientation and its impact on crime and suicide rates, cultural representation, sexual assault, access to health care, and many more social consequences.

CNP urges the Assembly to approve this report’s recommendations. The well-researched report prepared over many years provides needed information and awareness and offers concrete steps the church can take to make a difference.