Resources for Transgender Awareness Week

Each year between November 13-19, people around the country celebrate Transgender Awareness Week to encourage understanding of transgender people and the challenges that gender-diverse people face. On November 20, Transgender Awareness Week ends with Transgender Day of Remembrance. This annual observance honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of transphobic violence.Over 450 churches in the Covenant Network of Presbyterians are working toward a world in which all people are seen, valued, and protected. In 2018, the 223rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) unanimously approved an overture from New Castle Presbytery affirming gender-diverse people:
"Because we recognize that people of all gender identities are created equally in the image of God, we also recognize that we share a mutual obligation to stand for the right of all people and all gender identities and gender expressions to live free from discrimination and from violence."
Overture 11-12 offers the following guidance for churches to create spaces of belonging for transgender and non-binary people: 
  • Welcoming statements that specifically name transgender and gender non-binary people as included within the life of the church
  • Policies that are inclusive of transgender and gender non-binary people
  • Available facilities such as bathrooms that are either designated as gender neutral, or allow for transgender and non-binary people to use the facility that matches their gender identity
  • Worship, liturgy, and hymns employ language inclusive of all gender identities
  • Transgender and gender non-binary people’s pronouns are respected and used appropriately.

Church members and ministers seeking to increase support for their gender-diverse neighbors can find a variety of free resources on our website. CNP's Gender Identity resources address the intersections of our faith and transgender identity with guides on pronoun pins, gender-diverse restrooms, inclusive language and more.May we pray and work together for a world that honors all people as beloved children of God.


Support and Resources for the Holiday Season


Understanding GA226 Polity Amendments: Informational Webinar