Remembering John Buchanan
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is giving thanks for the life and faith of its Founding Co-Moderator of the Board of Directors, the Rev. Dr. John M. Buchanan. Buchanan was longtime pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago and Moderator of the 208th General Assembly (1996). That was the same General Assembly that approved the addition of G-6.0106b to the Book of Order, requiring “fidelity in marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness” of its ordained officers. After his tenure as Moderator ended in 1997, Buchanan immediately agreed to take on the role of co-moderator of CNP, a new organization founded to undo that effective ban on ordination of LGBTQIA+ people. His witness and willingness to stake his considerable credibility on the work launched a movement that would lead to a generation of work and progress and ultimately the removal of the provision.
Several of his remarks are available on CNP’s website, including his sermon “Becoming the Body” from the 1998 Covenant Conference closing worship on November 7, 1998; “God Includes the Outsiders” delivered at the Covenant Network Luncheon during the 211th General Assembly in Fort Worth on June 21, 1999; and “The Liberalism of the Reformed Tradition,” presented at the Covenant Commissioner Convocation Dinner during the 214th General Assembly in Columbus on June 14, 2002.
Executive Director Brian Ellison said, “The list of luminaries who have played leadership roles in bringing about transformation in the church through the work of CNP is long and growing. But John Buchanan will always stand at the top of that list. His steady hand and articulate voice, along with an understanding of church as beloved and prophetic community, made CNP what it is today—still doing the work of helping the church live into what God calls us to be as the body of Christ. We will be forever grateful for his joyful service and enduring passion for inclusion and unity.”