Double Your Impact: Support LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in the PC(USA)
As 2024 draws to a close, we are living in a moment when LGBTQIA+ people need communities of faith to welcome them, affirm them, stand with them, and celebrate their gifts. Perhaps more than ever, we need a church who does not take any person’s presence or our gifts for granted, and who does not grow weary just because the road to justice and equity is long.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its congregations can be that church. But we aren’t yet. Opponents of LGBTQIA+ equity continue to speak out. Affirming churches struggle to find resources to foster conversation and be equipped for mission. LGBTQIA+ ministers and candidates face difficulty knowing when and how to tell their stories and share their truth.
Please support this ministry with a tax-deductible gift today! (And read on to find out how to double the impact of your gift!)
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians remains 100% committed to its mission of strengthening the church into a place where God’s people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are truly united in a love that equips and empowers all for the work our church and society so desperately need. We invite you to learn more about our work in the past year and our plans for the year ahead.
Even as the needs of the world grow more apparent, our financial situation has grown more challenging. Some of our donor churches are facing their own financial difficulties. Others have moved on to other important ministries. Some of our pioneers in this movement for justice have joined the Church Triumphant. Despite careful stewardship, our reserves have taken a hit amid rising costs.
We’re excited to share that a longtime supporter has stepped forward with a generous matching gift offer. They will match every donation of $100 or more, up to a total of $5,000, from now until the end of the year. This means your $100 gift becomes $200 of impact, and a $500 donation provides $1,000 in ministry. This supporter has witnessed firsthand the transformative impact CNP has on communities and LGBTQIA+ lives, and they want to inspire others to join in supporting this vital work.
Will you help us navigate this challenging moment and usher the church into a new season of faithfulness, hard work, and transformation? Your gift will have double the impact when you donate today. You can also send a check postmarked by December 31 to CNP at 3210 Michigan Ave., Suite 300, Kansas City, MO 64109. For conversations about other giving options, including estate gifts or stock transfers, please reach out to
We’d much rather be preaching and teaching, planning Covenant Conversation events with presbyteries, or meeting with sessions about strengthening their welcome. But none of that vital work is possible without your financial support. We hope you’ll give what you can today.