Tracking PC(USA) Constitutional Amendments 24-A and 24-C

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Presbyteries across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are voting on two amendments to strengthen the Church’s commitments to inclusion and representation. Amendment 24-A would add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to the Book of Order’s foundational statement on non-discrimination, while Amendment 24-C would require examination of ordination candidates on their commitment to principles of participation, representation, and inclusion.

The amendments, which passed the General Assembly with significant margins (389-24 for Amendment 24-A and 297-130 for Amendment 24-C), now require majority approval from the church’s 166 presbyteries. These amendments call for examination of candidates’ views on inclusion without compelling any answers or excluding candidates with traditional theological perspectives. CNP’s Board of Directors strongly supports these amendments and published a list of common questions and answers about the amendment’s potential implications for presbyteries. Read the entire FAQ or download as a PDF here.

By voting ‘yes’ on both amendments, presbyteries can help ensure that the Book of Order reflects the PC(USA)’s values of a wide welcome for all God’s people.

Presbytery Vote Tracker

Last updated: March 20, 2025

Required for passage: 84 presbyteries (majority of 166 total presbyteries)

Amendment 24-A: Yes: 94 | No: 9

94 of 84 needed (passed!)

Amendment 24-C: Yes: 64 | No: 36

64 of 84 needed


Presbytery 24-A 24-C
Abingdon Yes Yes
Albany Yes Yes
Baltimore Yes Yes
Beaver-Butler No No
Boise Yes Yes
Boston Yes Yes
Carlisle Yes No
Cascades Yes Yes
Cayuga-Syracuse Yes Yes
Central Florida Yes No
Charleston Atlantic Yes No
Charlotte Yes No
Cherokee Yes Yes
Chicago Yes Yes
Cimarron Yes No
Coastal Carolina Yes No
de Cristo Yes Yes
Des Moines Yes Yes
Detroit Yes Yes
Donegal Yes Yes
East Iowa Yes Yes
Eastern Korean American No Yes
Eastern Oklahoma Yes Yes
Eastminster Yes Yes
Flint River Yes -
Florida Yes Yes
Foothills Yes Yes
Geneva Yes No
Genesee Valley Yes -
Giddings-Lovejoy Yes Yes
Glacier Yes No
Grace Yes No
Grand Canyon Yes No
Greater Atlanta Yes Yes
Heartland Yes Yes
Homestead Yes Yes
Hudson River Yes Yes
Huntingdon No No
Indian Nations Yes Yes
Inland Northwest Yes No
James Yes Yes
John Calvin Yes Yes
John Knox Yes Yes
Kendall Yes No
Kiskiminetas No No
Lake Erie Yes No
Lake Huron Yes Yes
Lake Michigan Yes Yes
Long Island Yes No
Mackinac Yes Yes
Mid-Kentucky Yes -
Mid-South Yes No
Miami Valley Yes No
Middle Tennessee Yes No
Midwest Korean American No Yes
Milwaukee Yes Yes
Minnesota Valleys Yes Yes
Mission Yes Yes
Mississippi Yes Yes
Missouri Union Yes Yes
National Capital Yes Yes
New Covenant Yes No
New Castle Yes Yes
New Harmony Yes Yes
North Alabama Yes No
North Central California Yes Yes
North Central Iowa Yes Yes
Northern Kansas Yes Yes
Olympia Yes Yes
Palo Duro Yes Yes
Peace River Yes Yes
Peaks Yes No
Pines Yes Yes
Pittsburgh Yes No
Plains And Peaks No No
Presbiterio Del Noroeste Yes No
Prospect Hill Yes Yes
Redwoods Yes Yes
Salem Yes Yes
San Fernando No No
San Jose Yes No
Santa Fe Yes No
Scioto Valley Yes Yes
Seattle Yes Yes
Sheppards and Lapsley Yes Yes
Sierra Blanca No No
Southern New Jersey Yes Yes
St. Andrew Yes Yes
Susquehanna Valley Yes No
Tampa Bay Yes No
Transylvania Yes Yes
Tres Rios Yes Yes
Trinity Yes No
Tropical Florida Yes Yes
Twin Cities Area Yes Yes
Utah Yes Yes
Utica Yes -
Wabash Valley Yes Yes
Western Colorado Yes No
Western Kentucky Yes Yes
Western North Carolina Yes Yes
Whitewater Valley Yes No
Yellowstone No No
Yukon Yes Yes

Frequently Asked Questions: Understanding Proposed Amendments 24-A and 24-C


CNP Board Responds to Federal Government Actions Affecting Trans and Non-binary Persons, Calls for PCUSA Action