Distributing the Future
A reflection by Randy Bush, Pastor of East Liberty Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, PA.
Reforming the Ties that Bind
James Calvin Davis, author of In Defense of Civility, was a plenary speaker at the 2011 Covenant Conference in Durham, NC. Davis has summarized his plenary address, to share on the web. An audiotape of his full address is available for purchase.
"Baptism is every Christian's ordination."
Rev. Dr. Dean K. Thompson, recently retired President of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, spoke in support of Amendment 10-A at the March 1, 2011 meeting of the Presbytery of West Virginia.
Good words from the author of The Good Book
Peter Gomes, author of The Good Book and minister of Harvard’s Memorial Church, died this week. His remarks to the Covenant Network G.A. Luncheon in 1999 remain remarkably relevant as we again consider ordination standards.

Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba
Dr. Arlo Duba, Professor of Worship Emeritus, retired Dean of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and PC(USA) Minister of Word and Sacrament, was recently interviewed by More Light Presbyterian Outreach Director, Debra Peevey. Dr. Duba shares his journey, leading to a change of heart and mind regarding the ordination of LGBT persons.
G-6.0106b in PC(USA) Perspective – Reflections on Amendment 10-A
The current text of G-6.0106b is out of sync with Presbyterian and Reformed theology and polity. Amendment 10-A corrects those errors. Here's a collection of references.

The Gospel of Kindness
Robert Dykstra: As I survey the stark detritus of the centuries-long theological rift between human sexuality and Christian charity, ,,, what seems clear to me now is that both in our personal lives and loves and in our Christian works and walks we must rejoin somehow our kindness with our desire.
Ethical Stances on Homosexuality
Kate Killebrew reflects on Stacy Johnson's typology of stances on the ethics of homosexual practice, and notes that many are in the process of moving on the continuum.
Because of Scripture and Theology
The second reason that G-6.0106b must be amended: Scripture and Reformed theology.
Because of the People
The most important reason that G-6.0106b must be amended: the people who are affected by its anti-LGBT message.
The Witness of Archbishop Tutu
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, continues to insist on God's love for all - and to challenge people of faith whose actions lead to harm for others.

And Grace Will Lead Me Home: Inclusion and Evangelical Conscience
As presbyteries continue to vote on Amendment 10-A, which would allow for freedom of conscience in the interpretation of what Scripture teaches about same-gender relationships, Mark Achtemeier is among those have testified to a change of mind.