Dialogue, Theology Brian Ellison Dialogue, Theology Brian Ellison

Reforming the Ties that Bind

James Calvin Davis, author of In Defense of Civility, was a plenary speaker at the 2011 Covenant Conference in Durham, NC. Davis has summarized his plenary address, to share on the web. An audiotape of his full address is available for purchase.

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Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba

Interview with Rev. Dr. Arlo Duba

Dr. Arlo Duba, Professor of Worship Emeritus, retired Dean of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and PC(USA) Minister of Word and Sacrament, was recently interviewed by More Light Presbyterian Outreach Director, Debra Peevey. Dr. Duba shares his journey, leading to a change of heart and mind regarding the ordination of LGBT persons.

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And Grace Will Lead Me Home: Inclusion and Evangelical Conscience

And Grace Will Lead Me Home: Inclusion and Evangelical Conscience

As presbyteries continue to vote on Amendment 10-A, which would allow for freedom of conscience in the interpretation of what Scripture teaches about same-gender relationships, Mark Achtemeier is among those have testified to a change of mind.

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