Smudged Lenses

Smudged Lenses

The Rev. Laurie Kraus celebrates the faith and the gifts of new Inquirer Danny Morales, and his first sermon: "...Since wearing glasses for a few months now, I’ve learned we don’t always see the smudges on them. Instead we get so accustomed to those smudges, that foggy vision, that we create or even become our own impediments to clarity, impediments to the voices that like Bartimaeus are still screaming..."

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Knowing We Are All the Image of God
Covenant Congregations, Theology Brian Ellison Covenant Congregations, Theology Brian Ellison

Knowing We Are All the Image of God

A reflection by Laurie Kraus: "...Our families are not all the same: the children we treasure have come to us from birth, surrogacy, national and international adoption, or foster care; and we connect with friend or partner or spouse in a variety of ways. One thing I believe is common among us: that we all are formed in our relationships by Love, which comes from God; and that we all of us, are made truly in God’s image and living a life of faith intended to let that God-image shine forth more clearly. We listen to one another, share our stories and practice community together because it is the way Christ has taught us to see the face of God..."

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Minnesota Covenant Congregations Preparing for General Assembly – Part II

Nine Covenant Congregations will be volunteering at the upcoming 219th General Assembly, alongside sister congregations from the three hosting Presbyteries. Part I, posted last month, featured four of these Covenant Congregations. In Part II, we celebrate five more dedicated and diverse churches.

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