Two Ordinations: Reflections from Nancy Enderle

Two Ordinations: Reflections from Nancy Enderle

The Rev. Nancy Hutchison Enderle served the Covenant Network of Presbyterians as Interim Executive Director in 2011-12. As she prepared to conclude her service, Nancy shared her reflections at the Commissioners Convocation Dinner the night before the 220th General Assembly (2012) convened in Pittsburgh:I’d like to start these comments with the tale of two ordinations....

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Scott Anderson's Keynote - CovNet GA Luncheon
220th GA (2012), Personal Testimony Brian Ellison 220th GA (2012), Personal Testimony Brian Ellison

Scott Anderson's Keynote - CovNet GA Luncheon

"I speak of imagination because I believe there is a movement afoot in our world. A movement for civil rights? Well yes, that’s a big part of the story. A justice movement to address ancient prejudices and right ancient wrongs? Well, of course. But there is a deeper, wider, larger movement that permeates these smaller ones. The movement of God, the One who has gone way out in front of us in the church on a mission to heal, and to reconcile, and to restore all of creation, the One whose gracious hand is visibly evident, I believe, in all of these unimaginables we are now experiencing, signs of the nearness of God’s reign."

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Rejoicing with Scott Anderson
Amendment 10-A, Ordination Process Brian Ellison Amendment 10-A, Ordination Process Brian Ellison

Rejoicing with Scott Anderson

Scott Anderson's Service of Ordination will take place on October 8th, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, in Madison, WI. Scott’s ordination as a teaching elder offers a sign of hope for the many people who have long worked for a more inclusive church policy toward the ordination of our gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered brothers and sisters.

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