SPJC Upholds Presbytery’s Decision to Ordain Scott Anderson

By a 7-2 majority, the Permanent Judicial Commission of the Synod of Lakes & Prairies has upheld John Knox Presbytery’s decision in February 2010 to approve for ordination as Minister of the Word and Sacrament Scott Anderson, a partnered gay man.  In his ordination examination, Mr. Anderson declared a “departure” to any interpretation of G-6.0106b that would exclude persons in committed same-sex partnerships from ordained service in the church.  In an “Affirmation of Conscience presented to the Presbytery, Mr. Anderson said in part,

I affirm the authority of Scripture and our obligation as Christians to follow its teaching in all aspects of our lives, including our sexuality. I believe that all Christians are called to lives of holiness and faithfulness that glorify God and give concrete expression to our calling as followers of Christ. . . .

But I also believe that the categorical prohibition contained in G-6.0106b represents a grievous misapplication of biblical teaching in the case of gay and lesbian believers who are in faithful, covenanted, lifelong partnerships. . . . I cannot in Christian conscience support it.

The SPJC found that the presbytery acted constitutionally in considering and accepting Mr. Anderson’s stated “departure.”  The SPJC based its decision on the Authoritative Interpretation of G-6.0108 (“the Knox AI”) adopted by the 2008 General Assembly, which requires governing bodies “to give careful and prayerful consideration, on an individual, case-by-case, basis, to any departure from an ordination standard in matters of belief or practice that a candidate may declare.”The Presbytery of John Knox was represented by Covenant Network director Doug Nave, a member of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York.Mr. Anderson’s ordination continues to be stayed, pending an expected appeal to the GAPJC.  This case, as well as the challenge to San Francisco Presbytery’s decision to ordain lesbian Lisa Larges, is likely to be heard by the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission in spring, 2011.


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