Because of the Church
Why We Repeatedly Revisit G-6.0106b(and Will Continue to Do So Until It’s Amended)Reason 4 – The Health and Witness of the Church
Tricia Dykers KoenigCovenant Network National Organizer
At least one overture to amend the current paragraph G-6.0106b has been sent to every General Assembly but one since 1997, when it became part of the Book of Order in an attempt to “settle the issue” of the ordination of persons in same-sex relationships. Until the paragraph is amended to be more consistent with Reformed theology and polity, that is sure to continue.This is the fourth in a series of articles exploring the reasons that “the issue” will come back to GAs and the presbyteries again and again, until amendment is made.Reason 4 – The PCUSA’s health and witness are being undermined by the current G-6.0106b.Amendment 10-A will free the church for mission, both evangelism and social justice, by eliminating official policy that has contributed to the impression of the unchurched that Christians have forgotten to follow Jesus, and by allowing the PCUSA to move beyond this argument.It is more and more a reality that the world is recognizing the presence of LGBT persons in our families, churches, communities – and their need to be treated with simple human dignity. It’s becoming evident to many that a percentage of people, far from making a conscious choice, simply discover themselves to be gay; and that the gender of the partner to whom they are attracted and with whom they yearn to build a life does not affect their ability to do their jobs, nurture their families, be good neighbors – or serve their Lord.The fact that societal perceptions about gay persons are changing rapidly is not a reason in itself to change the church’s policy which stigmatizes them – not all changes are according to the will of God – but we do need to be aware of how our witness to the Gospel, not to mention the question of basic kindness, comes across to those who do not know Christ, both heterosexual and LGBT. Many look at our continued policy of exclusion and wonder how that squares with the message that Jesus loves us all:
Non-Christians aged 16-29 years old were asked, “What is your current perception of Christianity?”
- 91% said antihomosexual
- 87% said judgmental
- 85% said hypocritical
- 78% said old-fashioned
- 75% said too involved in politics
- 72% said out of touch with reality
- 70% said insensitive to others
unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity ... and Why It Matters - The Barna Group, David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, 2007
The current wording of G-6.0106b seeks to impose one interpretation of Scripture upon all – an interpretation that violates the consciences of many. The conflict is draining energy and resources away from other areas of ministry. What a relief it would be to set the argument over the paragraph aside as we continue to seek discernment of God’s will together!Amendment 10-A doesn’t take a stand one way or the other on the morality of same-sex relationships, but appeals to principles all Presbyterians can affirm together – above all, the Lordship of Jesus Christ.The protracted conflict over ordination standards is in itself a negative witness, because in our debates with one another we often fail to treat each other with kindness and respect. If we who claim the name of Jesus can’t demonstrate in our actions and attitudes that we love one another, why should the world believe that Christ has any power to offer?I and many others are absolutely convinced that an amendment will prevail – not because cultural change is relentless, but because the power of the Gospel as good news to all persons, all families, is too strong to be denied.Every one of us is tired of this conflict, but it won’t be over until all are welcomed and honored in the name of Christ, for the glory of God.
Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. – Romans 15:7
No time like the present! Vote to approve Amendment 10-A:
Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.0000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G-14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.