Gratitude and Joy for Your Generosity
Pictured above: The Rev. Jamie Frazier speaks on intersectionality and inclusion at Covenant Conversation: Chicago in September 2023.As we approach the end of another transformative year, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your support of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. Together, we have made significant strides toward creating a more open and affirming space for LGBTQIA+ people, breaking down barriers and strengthening the church. We also want to ask for your help in the year ahead.
This year, your donations have made possible meaningful conversations about creating safer and more inclusive spaces, the development of theological and educational resources promoting understanding and acceptance, and advocacy for church policies that reflect the principles of love and justice.But there is a long way to go. The challenges we face—in societal backlash, in diminishing church resources, in complacency—continue to evolve; your continued support is crucial in ensuring that we can meet them head-on. We invite you to consider making a year-end donation before December 31 to help us carry the momentum into the new year. Contributing on our donation page will enable us to expand our programs, reach more communities, and strengthen our collective voice for justice and inclusivity. You can read more here about particular programs and plans for the year ahead.
In this season of gratitude and joy, we thank you for your past support and invite you to join us in shaping a future Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) where people of every gender identity and sexual orientation are embraced and celebrated. Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities, fostering a more compassionate and just church and world.
Matt Gaventa and Slats Toole, Co-ModeratorsBrian Ellison, Executive Director
You can make your donation online, or receive information on contributing in other ways, by clicking here. Donations received or postmarked by December 31, 2023, are tax-deductible in the 2023 tax year, in accordance with IRS regulations. For information on stock transfers or estate gifts, or to discuss other ways of giving, email