CNP Celebrates the Passage of POL-01, an Historic and Prophetic Step for LGBTQIA+ People and the Whole Church
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has taken a historic step forward in affirming its commitment to inclusivity and equality. Today the General Assembly approved POL-01, also known as the Olympia Overture, marking a significant milestone in the denomination’s journey towards full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
The amendments, if approved by a majority of the 166 presbyteries over the coming year, will make two key changes to the church’s constitution:
Part 1, approved 389 to 24, adds “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to the list of categories in F-1.0403, which outlines the church’s commitment to ensuring participation, representation, and non-discrimination. No speakers opposed the This amendment passed with an overwhelming majority, reflecting the Assembly’s dedication to recognizing and affirming the humanity of LGBTQIA+ individuals within the church community.
Part 2, approved 297 to 130, requires that examinations for ordination or installation (as described in G-2.0104b) now include an exploration of a candidate’s commitment to the principles outlined in F-1.0403. This change aims to ensure that those seeking leadership positions in the church are aligned with its values of inclusivity and representation. Importantly, this amendment maintains the historic principle that individual councils (presbyteries or sessions) retain the authority to make their own ordination decisions based on a comprehensive examination of candidates, and the assembly made several minor changes to the original overture to address potential misinterpretation of the action that it would exclude individuals with diverse theological convictions. The final version of the overture removed the specific reference to “non-discrimination” in the examination requirement, and included the additional requirement of examinations including attention to the “Historic Principles of Church Order” found in the Book of Order.
“In short, what this overture does is simply require us to talk, as siblings in the diverse body of Christ that is the Presbyterian Church,” said the Rev. Matt Gaventa, co-moderator of the CNP Board of Directors, and an overture advocate from Mission Presbytery. “It says that acknowledging the reality of that diversity is important enough to us at this moment in our church’s life that we are willing to bring it to the surface every time we prepare to lay hands on one another and joyfully enter into the service of the risen Christ.”
The passage of this overture sends a clear message of welcome and affirmation to those who have felt marginalized within the church. It represents a significant step towards ensuring that the Presbyterian Church (USA) fully embraces and celebrates the diversity of God’s creation in its leadership and membership.
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians, which strongly advocated for this change, expresses gratitude for the Assembly’s decision, viewing it as an essential clarification of the church’s commitment to full inclusion and a powerful statement of faith and justice.
“I’m grateful to God for this important day in the life of our church and for the General Assembly’s faithful discernment,” said the Rev. Brian Ellison, CNP executive director. “And I’m proud that the Covenant Network of Presbyterians was able to be a resource to Olympia and the concurring councils, as well as General Assembly commissioners, as this process played out.”
Now we really need your help…
Over the past several months, and especially this week at General Assembly, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians has invested time, energy and financial resources to ensure the overture was well understood and carefully considered, trusting the Holy Spirit to lead commissioners when process was respected and truth was told. In all eight board members and staff were present in Salt Lake City, adding their voice and their hard work to the discernment of the Assembly and its committees.
Now that work continues in earnest, as all 166 presbyteries will consider the amendments that were approved this morning. We need your help. There is so much you can do.
Watch for resources that we will soon be developing to support the conversations taking place in presbyteries. Let us know how we can help you, and if we can count on you to support these amendments. To join our team, email us.
Consider making a financial contribution. Our work at General Assembly and beyond comes with a cost, and most of our budget is directed to our ongoing programs of education and engagement, working with congregations and councils to create just and welcoming communities of faith. An extra gift to support this work of advocacy would be very much appreciated at this time, and would help ensure that the steps taken today will move forward, strengthening the church and its welcome of all.
Pray … for the Church, for our ministry, and most especially for the LGBTQIA+ people who find themselves again the subject of debate and discussion. May they be protected from unkindness and indignity, even as we work together to ensure an inclusive and affirming witness for this generation and generations to come.