Celebrating International Non-Binary People’s Day

First celebrated in 2021, International Non-Binary People’s Day is observed each year on July 14. In 2018, the 223rd General Assembly (2018) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved an overture "affirming and celebrating the full dignity and humanity of people of all gender identities." At CNP, we work for a world where non-binary people are recognized, respected, and valued.Anyone looking to learn more about transgender and non-binary identities can check out the free resources available on this website, particularly our Gender Identity page. This includes Well Chosen Words, a brochure that explains the importance of inclusive language with suggestions for expressing the fullness of God’s presence in speaking and writing.In addition, a PDF by Slats Toole and the Rev. Jenny McDevitt contains every prayer published on our social media during Pride Month. These prayers lift up all LGBTQIA+ people, but would be appropriate for any church service extending particular inclusion to nonbinary people.Here is an excerpt from the Gathering Prayer by CNP Co-Moderator:“draw us to Youin this queer space that You,the Nothing and the Everything,the Creator and the Child,the +,inhabit so gracefully.amen.”We give thanks for all people who inhabit the +, opening our imaginations to new possibilities and pointing us toward an expansive view of gender.

We belong to each other. We belong to God. 


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