An Opportunity to Double the Impact of Your Generosity
In this season after Pride month, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians has been continuing and expanding its support and advocacy for the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church. At a time when the LGBTQIA+ community is experiencing a wave of attacks in the political arena—and with an ever-increasing number of requests for support, guidance, and educational programs—we have more opportunities than ever to make a difference. Read on for a way to make your support have double the impact. But first, here are a couple of snapshots — stories from two openly LGBTQIA+ pastors—of the influence your generosity is having...For Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho, a longtime Covenant Network congregation, this work involved responding to the rise in anti-trans legislation. Members stood on the state Capitol steps, organized letter-writing campaigns, testified in committee hearings, and attended local public library board meetings in support of equality.As a network, we unite to provide an inclusive, progressive faith-based voice speaking in public spaces and testifying to God’s love for the whole world. Pastor TJ Remaley named CNP’s mission statement (the “Call to Covenant Community”) as a guide for Southminster’s efforts to invite all God’s children into safe and welcoming congregational spaces for affirmation, healing, dignity, and purpose. He says that has shaped the congregation’s work...
- ...with local non-profits to fund and secure safe, livable housing for a transgender, nonbinary church member
- ...participating in local Pride celebrations, extending the church’s compassion and hospitality to the broader LGBTQIA+ community
- support of a church staff member who is raising funds for life-saving gender affirming care
The congregation recently added pronouns to its church nametags, drawing from a new resource on our “Becoming a Welcome Church” page that offers suggestions about the addition of pronouns in introductions. We’re always working to expand our resource offerings to better equip and educate churches on how to welcome and affirm LGBTQIA+ individuals. TJ said, "The ministry of inclusion and justice for LGBTQIA+ people does not end with joining the Covenant Network. In many ways, the work is just beginning!”After starting a call at The Presbyterian Church of Dover, Delaware, during the pandemic, the Rev. Dr. Mark E. Parsons II knew that his new congregation wanted to have a profound welcoming impact in its community. “While the PC(USA) has come a long way thanks in large part to the work of CNP,” Mark said, “we can’t stop with affirming membership, marriage, and ministry of LGBTQIA+ persons.” That’s why Mark and the Dover congregation eagerly embraced the opportunity to host one of CNP’s signature Covenant Conversations for New Castle Presbytery later this year.In an increasingly hostile political and social climate, CNP especially invests in uplifting transgender, non-binary and other gender-diverse people. More broadly, we continually create space for people to gather and converse together on the journey toward greater hospitality, inclusion, and community. Mark added, “I’m inspired by the work of CNP and the PC(USA) as we are reformed and always re-forming by the work of the Spirit. Together, we are creating a more beautiful, diverse, Christ-like Church!”Covenant Conversations encourage open and honest discussions about the challenges and opportunities facing the church in its journey towards full inclusion. Visit our events page to see where we’ll be next!There is so much more happening at CNP ... and so much work left to do. If you’d like to support this work, you can make a secure online donation here. And if you give by July 31, 2023, your donation will be matched by a generous donor (up to $7,500). You can double the impact of your generosity by giving today.
Your donation directly supports CNP's work in providing resources, educational programs, and one-on-one support for LGBTQIA+ Presbyterians and their allies. And while monetary donations are vital to CNP's work, advocating for inclusion in your local church and joining CNP also contribute to our work on behalf of LGBTQIA+ individuals. We also welcome feedback and ideas for resources you could use; reach out by email any time.We are deeply grateful for you. Thank you for your faithful support as we continue to seek a church as generous and just as God’s grace!