Welcoming New Congregations to the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
Recently, we had the joy of welcoming First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans as one of the newest members of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians! Of this decision to join our inclusive network of churches, they said,
"The session of the First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans voted unanimously on March 29, 2023, to join the Covenant Network of Presbyterians and to affirm its call to covenant community. In doing so, the session recognized that for many years we have already been doing the things the Covenant Network stands for. We were the first More Light congregation in New Orleans and are delighted to become the first Covenant Network congregation in New Orleans as well – with membership in both organizations. We were the first congregation in the Presbytery of South Louisiana to call an openly gay pastor. We welcome same gender couples, whether members of this church or not, who come to be married here. We support a ministry at Tulane and Loyola universities, headed by a PC(USA) pastor, that provides a welcoming space for LGBTQ+ students. First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans is a place 'where all are welcome.' "
We were also delighted to welcome Covenant Presbyterian Church in Columbus, OH (pictured above). The Rev. Joel A. Esala described the church's journey to this decision:
"The decision comes after a year and half of education and discernment on how we might be more welcoming and inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community. We’ve taught classes, held book studies, and brought in guest speakers.... We’ve listened to our congregation and sought their input. We did a congregational survey in which 91% of respondents said they wanted our church to advocate on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community. After much prayer and discussion, we are pleased to join the Covenant Network."
If your congregation would like to join the Covenant Network (like all of these churches: https://covnetpres.org/find-a-church/), check out our Call to Covenant Community (https://covnetpres.org/about-cnp/mission-vision/) and get in touch with us at brian@covnetpres.org.
Welcome, Covenant Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans!