Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary People in Texas and Beyond

"...As a minister, it’s my job to stay close and present, even when things are really hard."
Recently, the Presbyterian Outlook highlighted the transgender Presbyterian minister Remington Johnson, providing a ministry of visibility and presence. We are grateful for leaders like Rev. Johnson and so many others defending our transgender siblings in Christ before a difficult Texas legislative session.
A new book from Dianna Anderson entitled In Transit: Being Non-Binary in a World of Dichotomies, also speaks to some of the issues that transgender and non-binary people are facing at this time. A writer based in Minneapolis, Anderson came out later in life and published a memoir about their experiences.
"I ... am non-binary. I am not a woman, as society already thinks, but I am also not a man."
Anderson's book anticipates the more inclusive world for which we work and pray. This exploration of identity may be helpful to anyone interested in learning more about non-binary experiences or practical ways we can be better allies to our non-binary siblings. Learn more about In Transit here.
By providing support, guidance, educational programs and preaching toward the full affirmation of trans and non-binary people, we hope to make 2023 a transformative year for the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the world.

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Celebrating 2022 and the Work Ahead