CNP Congregations Standing Up Against Discrimination
Recently, the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) urged Presbyterians to speak out against legislation that discriminates against LGBTQIA+ people.
"As both an Ohio voter and a faith leader, I believe this bill is in keeping neither with our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and religion, nor with Christian principles."
Among a number of other faith leaders, the Rev. Rev. David Lewicki at North Decatur Presbyterian Church signed an open later stating that Georgia is uniquely situated to bridge divides and protect all from discrimination:
LGBTQ rights and religious rights do not have to be in conflict. We believe that the state of Georgia is uniquely positioned to come together to protect all people, unify our state and help bring healing to our nation on what for too long has been a divisive issue. That may not be easy, and it will certainly require goodwill and mutual accommodation, but it can and must be done.
You can read the rest of the letter here.
We're grateful to include bold congregations in our inclusive network of churches and see Presbyterians around the country affirming that "we are all children of a loving God who has commanded us to love each other."