CNP Logos for Congregational Use

We encourage all the congregations who affiliate with CNP to share the news with members, neighbors, and friends. We have several versions of our logo for use on church websites, bulletins, announcement slideshows, and more.


The Official Logo of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians

This is our standard logo.


“LGBTQIA+ Affirming Congregation”

For congregations seeking a way to bring more clarity around what affiliation with CNP means — especially for visitors who are not as familiar with our denomination and its various parachurch organizations — this logo is for you!


A Touch of Rainbow

Our CNP logo comes with a touch of rainbow, with the colors of the Progress Pride flag.

Transgender Pride

Congregations looking for an alternative CNP logo as part of their recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility, Transgender Day of Remembrance, or other related events may find this trans-specific version of the logo useful.


FAQ: Understanding Proposed Amendments 24-A and 24-C


Why Pronoun Pins?