GA 223 Preview: Committee 14 - Taking Our Confession to the Next Level … the Here and Now
The assembly's theological issues committee (#14) has responsibility for the Book of Confessions. In 2014-15, as the PCUSA considered adding the Confession of Belhar to our Constitution, the Covenant Network was proud to help organize in presbyteries to support an affirmative vote. We believe Belhar speaks a word today as relevant as ever, and one particular action will help its timeless content speak to our current reality.

The Addition of Belhar, the 50th Anniversary of C-67: Confessions the Church Needs for “Such a Time as This"
Stated Clerk Emeritus and CovNet Board member Cliff Kirkpatrick will lead us in exploring the significance of our confessions - particularly Belhar and the Confession of 1967 - at the 2015 Covenant Conference, November 5-7 at Central Presbyterian Church in Denver. Have you registered?
General Assembly moves toward more welcoming church.
Committees of the General Assembly committees, meeting in Minneapolis, reported favorably on all business the Covenant Network recommended in our recent Board Statement and other recommendations.