Statement from the Covenant Network of Presbyterians on Ghana
The government of Ghana is considering enacting legislation that would expand the country’s existing laws criminalizing homosexual sex. The new law, if signed by Ghana’s president, would make it a crime punishable by imprisonment to identify as LGBTQ+ or to promote LGBTQ+ causes or advocate for LGBTQ+ people. The law has the support of both major political parties and, troublingly, of most of the country’s churches—including those with whom the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is aligned in mission partnerships and ecumenical councils. [1]The Covenant Network of Presbyterians draws the attention of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to this measure, which will cause irreparable harm to LGBTQIA+ people who already live with fear and repression in Ghana. We reaffirm the call of the gospel to love and compassion, expressed in protections of basic human rights and affirmation of the dignity and humanity of each LGBTQIA+ person in Ghana. We call for prophetic engagement by PC(USA) world mission personnel with our mission and ecumenical partner churches. We stand with LGBTQIA+ people of Ghana, their families and those promoting their rights and well-being. And we pray for safety, justice and hope for all God’s people in Ghana.Good and gracious God,With thanksgiving, we affirm the beauty of your creationand the dignity of all those whom you have made.We pray for peace and for courage for our siblings in Christ in Ghana,for those facing legal persecution, and for allies who stand with them.With longing, we yearn for a daywhen none shall fear on behalf of whomever they love;when none shall fear on behalf of whoever they are;and when your Church shall in one voice proclaimthe unyielding generosity of your Spirit,through the power of your son Jesus Christ.Amen.
The Board of Directors of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians
The Rev. Matt Gaventa, Co-ModeratorSlats Toole, Co-ModeratorThe Rev. Brian Ellison, Executive Director