FPC in Logan, Utah Supporting Cache Pride

As we highlight the many and diverse congregations in our affirming network of churches, we are encouraged by the work of First Presbyterian Church in Logan, Utah.
The only UT congregation currently in the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, FPC has long supported the local LGBTQIA+ community with creative events.
Most recently, a Pancakes and Pride fundraiser for the Cache Pride Center supported LBGTQIA+ people in Cache Valley, living out the church's statement:
"Diverse in age and religious background, we have gathered together as the body of Christ here in Cache Valley since 1878. We are blessed to say,
All are WELCOME!
We believe that this is more than a slogan.
We are far from perfect, but we are forgiven and growing on the inside and out! God welcomes us, so our mission is to joyfully welcome each and every person who comes to seek God’s presence."
Learn more about FPC at (https://firstpreslogan.com/) or find an affirming congregation near you at (https://covnetpres.org/find-a-church/).

Revisiting the First Covenant Connection


Gratitudes from the 225th General Assembly