2015 Conference Registration Now Open

Unity Matters logoUnity Matters:Living into God's Future ... Together

The national gathering ofthe Covenant Network of Presbyterians

November 5-7, 2015Central Presbyterian ChurchDenver, CO

Details and registration are available here.

The Book of Order has been amended to provide for inclusiveness in ordination and in marriage (alleluia!), but the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is still on the journey "toward a church as generous and just as God's grace." It is a significant milestone that the presbyteries have approved the Confession of Belhar -- which needs the final approval of the 222nd General Assembly next summer to become part of The Book of Confessions -- but it's not enough if Belhar is simply a document in the PCUSA Constitution, unexplored and ignored in the life of the church.The 2015 Covenant Conference will explore the fullness of the unity of the church. Inspired by the Confession of Belhar, we will consider how the church can fulfill its call to justice and reconciliation.Keynote speakers are Cynthia Rigby, Clifton Kirkpatrick, and J. Herbert Nelson.Preachers are Kim Clayton, Paul Roberts, and Marci Auld Glass.Extended pre-conference workshops will be offered by Cindy Rigby and Kimberly Bracken Long.Hope you will join us there!  


The New W-4.9000: A History


What's next for the Covenant Network?