No license to discriminate
With the rapid spread of marriage equality across the nation, lawmakers in a number of states are proposing controversial legislation, under the guise of protecting "religious freedom," that would allow businesses or even government officials to discriminate against same-gender couples seeking to exercise the same rights and opportunities that opposite-gender couples take for granted.Following longstanding PC(USA) policy, several presbyteries have adopted resolutions opposing such legislation. The Presbytery of Arkansas led the way in February, addressing bills "allowing discrimination based on religious conviction, particularly intended to target gay, lesbian, and transgender people as well as others; and ... barring localities from passing anti-discrimination laws." Read the full resolution here.In March Mission Presbytery followed suit, as detailed in this article by the Rev. Kyle Walker. Equality Texas provides talking points that lift up principles applicable in other states.The Presbytery of Genesee Valley spoke out this week, adopting this resolution as proposed by the Rev. Melissa Lynn DeRosia.In this season when "Christian" is often assumed to imply "anti-gay," it is important for Presbyterians to witness to the principles of our faith, including respect for all as a reflection of God's gracious love. Those who truly value religious freedom for themselves recognize that they must protect the rights of others, and that freedom for all is threatened when one exclusive religious view is enshrined in law. Perhaps you will be moved to encourage your presbytery to take a stand.