2011 Covenant Conference!

November 3-5, 2011First Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC

Speakers include:

Scott Anderson,Executive Director, Wisconsin Council of Churches

James C. Davis,Professor of Religion, Middlebury College,author of In Defense of Civility, WJKP, 2010

Frances Taylor Gench,Professor of New Testament,Union Theological Seminary, Richmond

J. Herbert Nelson,Director, PC(USA) Washington Office

- Stay tuned for information about additional speakers, how to register, etc!! -

In the length and breadth of Church history, G-6.0106b will be gone in the blink of an eye. Some people will celebrate over the “right” decision that our denomination has made, yet quietly pause over future concerns. Others will grieve the “poor” decision that our denomination has made, but persevere in hope for future possibilities.We know that people of good faith will continue to disagree about important issues. In our longing for a way to transform painful disagreements that threaten to stifle our faith communities, can we seek together a spiritual maturity that is more proactive and less reactive? Can we learn how to let our light shine in the midst of difficult discernment?  Indeed, God has ‘entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation.’ (2 Corinthians 5:19) Can we learn how to practice reconciliation on a daily basis?

Join us at the 2011 Covenant Conference where together we will seek a larger vision. Our children and grandchildren deserve a church where mutual respect and civility are so natural to the ebb and flow of our common life, that reconciliation will likewise unfold throughout our natural rhythms; where reconciliation is not an ideal end toward which we strive, but a condition of our daily lives together.

Appeal of Jane Spahr Conviction Will Be Heard This Week


Covenant Congregation in the News