Board of Directors
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of church leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole.
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of church leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole. We seek to support the mission and unity of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and to articulate and act on the church’s historic, progressive vision and to work for a fully inclusive church. We are committed to finding a way both to live out the graciously hospitable gospel we have received and to live together with all our fellow members in the PC(USA).

The Board of Directors

The Rev. TJ Remaley
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Presbytery of Boise
Boise, ID

The Rev. Nick Carson
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Foothills Presbytery
Greenville, SC
(he/him/his or they/them/theirs)

Doug L. Chial
World Council of Churches
Geneva, Switzerland

Ruling Elder
Christopher Dahlke
Mission Presbytery
Corpus Christi, TX

The Rev. Lucy Forster-Smith
Boston Presbytery
Wellesley Hills, MA
The Rev. Matt Gaventa
University Presbyterian Church
Mission Presbytery
Austin, TX
The Rev. Marci Auld Glass
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Presbytery of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
The Rev. Alexandra Hendrickson
Chair, Denominational Engagement
Lafayette College
Lehigh Presbytery
Easton, PA

The Rev. Chad Andrew Herring
Village Presbyterian Church
Heartland Presbytery
Prairie Village, KS
Ruling Elder Daniel Herron
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Olympia Presbytery
Tacoma, WA
The Rev. Joanna Hipp
Plymouth Presbyterian Church
Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Plymouth, MN
The Rev. Dr.
Karla Koll
Chair, Global Engagement
Latin American Biblical University
Pueblo Presbytery
San Jose, Costa Rica
The Rev. Jenny McDevitt
Shandon Presbyterian Church
Trinity Presbytery
Columbia, SC

The Rev. Carol M. McDonald
Chair, Finance and Congregational Engagement
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Whitewater Valley Presbytery
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Pepa Paniagua
Grace Presbytery
Irving, TX

Ruling Elder Vince Patton
Central Presbyterian Church
Mid-Kentucky Presbytery
Louisville, KY

The Rev. Omar Rouchon
St. Philip Presbyterian Church
New Covenant Presbytery
Houston, TX

The Rev. Lucy Strong
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Julia Watkins
Chair, Programs and Churchwide Resources
Davidson College
Charlotte Presbytery
Davidson, NC