Sexuality & Sexual Orientation
Resources at the intersections of our faith and identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, and more.
The Bible’s Witness to Welcome – Amy Cerniglia (handout)
From Covenant Conversation: South Carolina, this handout examines Scripture’s witness to LGBTQIA+ welcome through analysis of biblical texts, relationships, and Reformed theology.
call to worship 58.3 – liturgy in times of crisis
Call to Worship is published by the Office of Theology and Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). In addition to several free articles about liturgy in times of crisis, journal subscribers can access liturgy to support local LGBTQIA+ communities in times of crisis.
queer theology: opening doors to discipleship
The Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE) has launched a new Queer Theology module on its Opening Doors for Discipleship platform with presentations by Presbyterians and CNP leadership. Topics include gender and sexuality, worship practices, queer theology and practical applications in church.
1946: The mistranslation that shifted culture
What if the word “homosexual” was never meant to be in the Bible? 1946 is a documentary film available for virtual screening that chronicles how the misuse of a single word changed the course of modern history.
The Bible’s Witness to Welcome of LGBTQIA+ People: Disarming the Clobber Passages with the Rev. nanette sawyer (video)
Through in-depth study of a few of the texts that have been used to condemn the LGBTQIA+ community, this workshop at Covenant Conversation: Chicago reclaims the Bible as a tool of inspiration rather than a weapon of domination and exclusion. Click this link for the video presentation.
The Bible’s Witness to Welcome of LGBTQIA+ People: Disarming the Clobber Passages with the Rev. nanette sawyer (handout)
This session at Covenant Conversation: Chicago reclaims the Bible as a tool of inspiration rather than a weapon of domination and exclusion. Click this link for the workshop handout.
Beyond the Clobber Texts with the Rev. Kelly Spencer
This breakout session from Covenant Conversation: Olympia provides accessible tools to navigate the Bible, theology, and queerness. Join the Rev. Kelly Spencer in looking “beyond the Clobber passages” to share in the work of repairing the welcome for all beloved children of God.
“Don’t Hold Back” – cnp sermon from the rev. jenny mcdevitt
A sermon for June 27, 2021 especially appropriate for observances of Pride Sunday/Month by the Rev. Jenny McDevitt, pastor of Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina, and co-moderator of the Board of Directors of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.
Overture 11-13: On Celebrating The Gifts Of People Of Diverse Sexual Orientations And Gender Identities In The Life Of The Church
This overture from New Castle Presbytery was approved by the 223rd General Assembly (2018) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) with unanimous consent.
Miguel A. De La Torre, A La Familia: Una conversación sobre nuestras familias, la biblia, la orientación sexual y la identidad de género/A
Resource designed for Latina/o churches and families that seeks to “in-flesh” the testimonies of LGBTQ Christians, provide Biblical and faith-based resources for consideration, and a helpful discussion guide. Written in Spanish and English.
LGBTQIA+ INclusion in the church
In an effort to continue to embody a welcoming and inclusive Church, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians contributed to this helpful tool for churches, mid councils, educational bodies and individuals with a lens on diversity and intersectionality.
lgbtqia+ biography
A collection of resources that may be helpful in the advancement of inclusion and diversity. Numerous LGBTQIA+ voices, including those at the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, contributed to this bibliography.
Songs for the holy other from the hymn society of the u.s. and canada
Songs for the Holy Other and aims to provide congregations working to dismantle these walls with a toolbox of hymns by and for those who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies. The hymnal includes a contribution from CNP staff and emerged from a desire to make queer hymns — hymns by, for, or about the LGBTQIA+ community — accessible to a wider range of congregations.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sexuality, the Bible & the Church: Plain Talk About Tough Issues
Twenty-six scholars from nineteen seminaries and colleges offer short, accessible essays to inform discussion about the appropriate participation of gay and lesbian Presbyterians in church life and leadership. Intended for lay readers, the essays address core biblical and theological questions with clear thinking, lively faith, and deep concern for the church.
Mark Achtemeier
on Same-Sex Marriage
and the Bible: A Video Series
The Rev. Dr. Mark Achtemeier, author of The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelical’s Change of Heart, discusses his journey with the Scripture in this four-part video series. A discussion guide and lesson plan for a young adult group are also included in this link.
Tricia Dykers Koenig: Scripture and Same-Gender Marriage
A sample of biblical passages and themes that convince many that the sex or gender of the partners in committed, loving relationships between two persons is not a consideration to God.