Our Sexuality & Sexual Orientation page added another workshop from Covenant Conversation: Olympia, Beyond the Clobber Texts with the Rev. Kelly Spencer. This workshop provides accessible tools to navigate the Bible, theology, and queerness. Take a look with the Rev. Kelly Spencer “beyond the Clobber passages” to share in the work of repairing the welcome for all beloved children of God. A sermon from the Rev. Jenny McDevitt for Pride Month and the text of Overture 11-13, On Celebrating The Gifts Of People Of Diverse Sexual Orientations And Gender Identities In The Life Of The Church, is also available.
If you have questions about the LGBTQIA+ acronym, this guide from a collaboration with APCE is one of our Gender Identity resources. Overture 11-12, Affirming And Celebrating The Full Dignity And Humanity Of People Of All Gender Identities, can be found there as well. Deepening Our Understanding: A Resource in Transgender Identity and Well Chosen Words are two resources we have included from the Office of Gender & Racial Justice Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Finally, the Engaging in Your Community page now features oral interviews with Deborah Brock and John Wilkinson produced by the Presbyterian Historical Society in their Living History series.