The 218th General Assembly, responding to overtures from the Presbyteries of Denver and New Brunswick, mandated the formation of a Special Committee to Study Issues of Civil Union and Christian Marriage, to report to the 219th GA on these topics:
  • The history of the laws governing marriage and civil union, including current policy debates.
  • How the theology and practice of marriage have developed in the Reformed and broader Christian tradition.
  • The relationship between civil union and Christian marriage.
  • The effects of current laws on same-gender partners and their children.
  • The place of covenanted same-gender partnerships in the Christian community.

Appointed by Moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow, the Special Committee — diverse theologically and in other ways — was in existence for less than a year before approving a final report with recommendations at its final meeting in late January.  Although the draft report they released for comment from the church in the fall was adopted unanimously,  three conservative members voted against the final report and reserved the right to submit a minority report.

The report is primarily descriptive and is careful not to take sides in the dispute over the morality of same-gender relationships, instead emphasizing the mutual forbearance which is one of the “historic principles of Church order.”  From the committee’s perspective, the heart of their report is a covenant:

Those Whom God Has Joined Together, Let No One Separate

We acknowledge and confess that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) displays the marks of the true Church (the gospel is rightly preached and heard, the sacraments are rightly administered, and ecclesiastical disciple is uprightly ministered).  Christ has chosen each one of us here, and has called us to this place. Those whom God has joined together, let no one separate.

By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the love of God, and in the communion of the Holy Spirit, we covenant together to:

• Honor the truth that Christ has called and God works through each member;

• Listen to one another with openness and respect;

• Support and pray for each other and for one another’s ministries;

• Earnestly seek and carefully listen to each person’s discernment of God’s will found in Scripture;

• Struggle together with perseverance to find God’s will for us even when the way is difficult;

• Love one another even when we disagree, and to commit ourselves to the reconciliation of any broken relationships we have with one another;

• Honor who we are as Presbyterians by respecting the fallible discernment of the body, bearing in mind that individual conscience, held captive to the word of God, cannot be thus bound.

The recommendations, finalized in the knowledge that overtures on the topic are coming from the presbyteries, do not take a stand on potential changes to the Book of Order.

Along with the Special Committee’s report, the 219th GA will consider a variety of overtures; some reaffirm the understanding of marriage as only between a man and a woman, others would change the description of marriage to include same-gender couples, and others would make clear that ministers have pastoral discretion to conduct any marriages that are legal in their jurisdictions.  Overtures are being added to pc-biz, the online program commissioners will use to access GA business, as they are submitted to the Office of the General Assembly.  (Click the ‘search’ button in pc-biz to pull up the list.)